Questa sera cercando qualche dritta su come scrivere l’ennesimo lexical analyzer mi sono imbattuto in questo post che parlando di compilatori fa un accenno sull’architettura VAX.
From: “John Fredrickson” Newsgroups: comp.compilers Date: 7 Jun 2006 23:18:28 -0400 Organization: Compilers Central References: 06-06-009 Keywords: history, architecture Posted-Date: 07 Jun 2006 23:18:28 EDT Peter,
I don’t know much about the internals of the VAX compilers other than they were all optimizing compilers that subscribed to the same calling standard, enforced by the VMS operating system and the one linker. That’s why you could develop multiple modules of a software system in multiple languages (VAX-BASIC, VAX-FOTRAN, VAX-COBOL, etc) and link the object modules together into a single EXE file.
The VAX hardware and VMS Operating System were designed together and were a beautiful system. Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) did a good job transitioning to Alpha and OpenVMS.
La parte interessante
they were all optimizing compilers that subscribed to the same calling standard
seguita da
That’s why you could develop multiple modules of a software system in multiple languages (VAX-BASIC, VAX-FOTRAN, VAX-COBOL, etc)
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